Do not use your old password nor one used on another account. Multiple accounts: Select the account whose password you want to reset.One account: This will open a page to enter your new password.Please also check that and are in your contacts list so they are not blocked. If you do not receive the reset password email, make sure to check your spam/junk folder.Press the Reset Password button in the email. An email with instructions will be sent to the email address that is currently associated with your account.For example, if your address is and on the Roblox account it is without the period, you will need to type it without the period. Make sure to add the valid email address.Select Forgot Password or Username? on the Roblox Login page.If you do not have an email address attached to your account but do have a phone number, you will need to click the Use phone number to Reset Password link below the Submit button to reset your password via phone number. For more information, refer to the Verify Your Email Address and Keep Your Account Safe articles. We strongly recommend adding an email address to your account.If you are resetting the password via a mobile device, you will be prompted to enter a phone number by default, but you can change to email if you prefer. If you can't remember your password, you will need to reset it and create a new one using the Forgot Password? feature.